1. The club shall be called the Hayling Island Angling Club and shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Ordinary, Lady and Junior members. Junior Members shall be under sixteen years of age.
2. The Club shall be affiliated to the Angling Trust and it shall be the duty of the Honorary Treasurer to pay the affiliation fee each year.
3. Commencing January 1969 applications for any type of membership must be proposed and seconded by two members. Each proposal shall state the name and address of the applicant. Each application for membership shall be considered by the committee at the next committee meeting and accepted or rejected.
4. Deleted.
5. It will be the duty of the Management Committee to fix the rate of the entrance fee for applicants and the rate of annual subscriptions.
6. Any member whose subscription has not been paid for the current year by 31st March, and who has been sent an official reminder, automatically ceases to be a member. The Committee shall, however, have the power to extend this period if they consider there is reasonable cause, and to reinstate membership if they feel that circumstances warrant it.
7. The Offices of the Club shall consist of a President and Honorary Vice-Presidents and the executive officers shall comprise of Honorary Chairman and Honorary Vice-Chairman, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer. The President and Honorary Vice-Presidents shall be elected at the Annual General meeting on the recommendation of the executive officers and the Management Committee.
8. The executive officers and a Management Committee of a minimum of six members shall conduct the business of the Club, subject to the rules and to the instructions of a resolution by members in a General Meeting of any kind. The Management Committee and executive officers shall be able to co-opt additional members to the management committee if the need arises.
9. Nominations for the executive officers and management committee must be in the hands of the Honorary Secretary at least seven days before the A.G.M.
10. The management committee shall have power to constitute from the members of the Club any sub-committee for such purposes and for such periods as they consider desirable for carrying om of its works, and may delegate such sub-committees such powers as the management committee thinks fit. Each sub-committee shall contain at least one member of the management committee. any members of the management committee shall have the right to sit in on any sub-committee meeting.
11. All monies received by the Honorary Secretary shall be handed over monthly to the Honorary Treasurer, who shall pay the same into the Club bank account. All account books to be in the hands of the Honorary Treasurer and of easy access to any member of the management committee. All cheques must be signed by two of the following:- Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Chairman or Honorary secretary. The accounts of the Club shall close on the 31st December each year, and the Honorary Treasurer shall prepare a statement of accounts in sufficient time for the smae to be presented to the management committee at the committee meeting immediately previous to the Annual General Meeting.
12. Not less than 14 days notice of a general meeting shall be given to members. The Annual General Meeting shall be held in February of each year. The agenda and balance sheet shall be sent to all members by post before the date of the meeting. A special general meeting may be called by the management committee, or by the Honorary Secretary if requested to do so in writing by not less than ten mebers. No business shall be transacted at any general meeting unless a quorum of twenty members is present at the time when the meeting proceeds to business. Ten members personally present shall be a quorum. The management committee shall fix its own quorum.
13. No alteration of rules shall be made other than by resolution ata general meeting. Notice of such motion should be given to the Honorary Secretary 14 days before such meeting. Accepted changes of rules shall be notified to all members.
14. The management committee has power to make any Bye-Laws they think necessary. Such Bye-Laws are to be notified to every member.
15. If, in the opinion of the management committee any member becomes objectionable or undesirable, he or she shall be called upon to resign, and if such resignation is not received by the Honorary Secretary within one month from the date of the notice, the said management committee may, by quorum ( at least six members present and voting ), expel such member by a two-thirds majority, and erase his or her name from the list of members, and return his or her correct subscription if the same has been paid. No members shall be expelled unless he or she has been given the opportunity to defend himself or herself before the management committee.
16. Any member of the Club, wo has given valuable service for the benefit of the Club, shall be considered by the general committe for Honorary Membership.
17. Each member booking for a Club boat competition shall be responsible for full payment of his or her boat fees unless cancellation is notified to the Boat Officer at least 7 days before the date of the competition. Extenuating circumstances will be considered by the committee.
18. Relating to any dissolution of the Club in line with current Sport England recommendations thus:- 18.1 If at any general meeting a resolution be passed calling for the dissolution of the Club the secretary shall immediately conviene a special general meeting to be held not more than 30 days later to discuss and vote on the resolution.
18.2 If at that special general meeting the resolution is carried by at least two-thirds of the members present the committee shall thereupon or on such date specified in the resolution proceed to realise all assets of the Club and to discharge all debts or other liabilities.
18.3 After discharging all debts and liabilities the remaining assets shall not be paid or distributed to members but shall be given or transferred to other voluntary organisations having objectives similar to the Club.
19. Points system for CLUB competitions:
10 points for the winner of Club competitions.
9 points for second place
8 points for third place
7 points for fourth place
6 points for fifth place
5 points for sixth place
4 points for seventh place
3 points for eighth place
2 points for all others weighing in
1 point for all others taking part
Club competitions are generally fished to Angling Trust rules, but from time to time in the past committee have issued modifications or have clarified certain matters relating to its competitions.
General Rules:
1. WEIGHING IN: All fish must be at the scales not later than 30 minutes after the published finishing time of a match EXCEPT in circumstances relating to boat competitions where agreement has been entered into with the Boat Officer prior to the start of the competition.
2. Junior members shall be under sixteen years of age on 1st January in any year. Junior entry to pools is optional.
Boat Rules:
1. WEIGHING IN: Alternative weighing-in facilities will be provided for private boats subject to atime limit on high tide being 2 hours before to 2.5 hours after the scheduled finish of the match, and will be available only by prior arrangement with the Boat Officer.
2. A boat competition means 8 hour trip (day) or 6 hour trip (evening) from the home harbour base.
3. CHAMPIONSHIP EVENTS: The beach and boat champions and runner-up may, subject to committee decision, be entered into a relevent event as representatives of the club.
4. Any sizeable fish may be weighed on board then either returned to the sea, retained or gutted. Lesser spotted dogfish, pout and whiting will not be weighed but all sizeable dogfish will count as 1.5lb, all sizeable whiting 1lb and all sizeable pout 0.75lb. The weight must be witnessed and recorded by a Club member and the record must be presented by the individual competitor at the weigh in point designated by the scales master. For record or specimen purposes the fish can be weighed either on board or ashore but must be witnessed and recorded by a club member.
5. For Club boat competitions the size limit for black bream is increased to 26 cms.
6. The skipper of each private boat shall act as steward with regard to fishing times and the presentation of fish to the scales. Any fish which may be caught outside of competition times must be immediately gutted. The steward shall also be responsible for collecting pool money before the start of the competition, and no pool money, other than from stewards shall be collected by the pool organiser at the end of the competition.
7. No fish shall be accepted at the scales for a boat competition unless the pool money has been paid to the organiser.
8. For Club boat matches the size limit for spotted rays is 35cms, however all fish under 41cms must be weighed and returned.
9. For Club boat matches the minimum weight for tope is 10lbs, however all fish under 20lb s must be weighed and returned.
Beach Rules:
1. All competitiors, in beach matches, must pay their monies to the Beach Officer upon reaching the weigh-in. No fish shall be accepted at the scales unless the pool money has been paid to the organiser.
2. no reservation of fishing space may be made by one person for another.
3. The terms of reference for the Beach Officer includes the settling of match limits and to take such action as may be necessary before, during and after any club beach event.
4. It is the responsibility of each competitor to ensure that they are "within bounds" in any match and that they seek the direction of the Beach Officer if they are unsure of limits.
5. Up to two rods may be used in all beach matches so long as no more than three hooks are in the water at any time. Please note that Pennel Rigs count as two hooks. Treble hooks count as a single hook.
6. Sizeable mackerel may be returned to the scales in beach matches provided they are caught on baited hooks - spinning or feathering is not permitted.
7. All sizeable smoothounds caugh in a club beach match must have their length recorded by another club member then immediately returned. The recorded length should then be submitted at the scales and a pre-calculated length / weight ratio used to determine the weight of the fish.
8. For club beach matches the minimum weight for tope is 10lb, however all fish under 20lb must be weighed and returned.